1) USB芯片容量
常用的有512Mb, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, etc.
2) 芯片(Flash memory chip) 品牌
常用芯片品牌有, 現代, 日立, 東芝, Intel, 三星, 镁光, 等等.
3) FAKE記憶體 (Memory Chip)
"Fake Flash" refer to low capacity flash drives which appear to have much more capacity
than is physically present on the drive.
For example, REAL capacity is 8GB, it is "hacked" so that it appears to have 16GB.
這是為何有些不良供應商所賣的USB手指特別便宜的主要原因, 請注意。
本公司的宗旨 " 誠信第一, 創造共贏".